Going green to save some green

From the Lexington Herald-Leader website:

EKU begins energy-saving initiative

By Ashlee Clark

Eastern Kentucky University might want to add green to its school colors as it embarks on an energy-saving initiative expected to save millions of dollars.

EKU officials announced Tuesday a 12-year partnership with Siemens Building Technologies Inc. that will include $22 million worth of energy efficiency improvements on campus. The project is one of the largest ventures of its nature in the country, according to Siemens.

"I think we are in a new position of leadership in the commonwealth," EKU President Doug Whitlock said.

Siemens representatives expect the changes to reduce EKU's utility bills by 30 percent or more.

The university spends $6.5 million a year on utilities, said James Street, associate vice president for capital planning and facilities planning.

The upgrades range from simple (replacement of incandescent bulbs with fluorescent lighting) to complex (installation of building controls to regulate temperature and occupancy sensors that will turn off lights if people aren't in the room). Heating and cooling retrofits and consumption-saving devices on plumbing will also be installed.

"I think this part of Kentucky is going to get a lot greener," Berndt Baumgartl, senior vice president of regional operations for Siemens, said Tuesday.

The plan is also appealing at a time when the state budget calls for tighter spending at universities. The project, despite its price tag, will not require money from EKU. The amount of money saved from the energy improvements will pay for the overall cost of the projects, Baumgartl said. If the money saved falls short, Siemens will pay the difference.

Siemens first submitted plans for the project in 2007, said Michael Azzara, business development manager for the company.

Siemens employs 1,100 people in Kentucky, said Steve Kuehn, media and community relations manager for Siemens.

Renovations will begin in late summer or early fall and should be minimally invasive, Street said.

Partnership with Siemens

Eastern Kentucky University and Siemens Building Technologies are joining forces for a 12-year contract to reduce energy emissions at the school. EKU spends $6.5 million annually on utilities, and officials expect to save 30 percent with this partnership.

Based on Siemens' Greenhouse Gas Calculator, EKU will avoid emission of 77 million pounds of greenhouse gases, which is equivalent to:

• Preserving 37,662 acres of forest, or

• Removing 9,832 cars from the roads, or

• Conserving 105,091 barrels of oil, or

• Conserving 235 rail cars worth of coal.

Eastern Kentucky University

Students: 16,000

Buildings: 47 academic, 75 service/ support buildings and 15 residence halls will be affected by the changes

Savings to EKU: $6,200 a day

Siemens AG

German-based multinational corporation that operates in the industrial, health care and energy sectors.

Siemens Energy & Automation and Siemens Building Technologies Inc. are based in Louisville. Osram, the company's lighting division, and Sylvania operate manufacturing plants in Winchester and Versailles and have a distribution center in Versailles.

News researcher Linda Niemi contributed to this report.




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