
EKPC Request for Proposals

Renewable Energy Resources RFP 2008

East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc. (EKPC) is committed to protecting the environment while providing affordable, reliable power to its members. EKPC has a rich history of responsible environmental stewardship in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. EKPC has been a pioneer of green energy and, today, generates more green energy than any other utility in Kentucky. As the cooperative plans to meet future load growth, EKPC is seeking opportunities to diversify its portfolio of generation resources with renewable resources that really work for Kentucky's homes, farms and businesses.

Renewable energy resources may include, but are not limited to:

* Wind
* Biomass
* Solar (Electric and/or Thermal)
* Hydro
* Geothermal
* Recycled Energy (Waste heat, etc)

EKPC is seeking 200 up to 300 MW of renewable capacity and associated energy resources. EKPC will give first preference to proposals that locate the source(s) of capacity within the existing control area of EKPC and second preference to sources inside Kentucky. Proposals that involve resources outside the state of Kentucky will be considered.

This RFP is open to those parties who currently own, propose to develop, or have rights to a renewable energy generating facility larger than 1 MW. Bidders may submit multiple proposals to fulfill the resource request. EKPC does not intend to offer a self-build option for this RFP. The proposal must be based upon a proven technology. EKPC will retain all environmental attributes associated with Bidder’s proposed bid energy, including but not limited to renewable energy credits, green tags, greenhouse gas or carbon credits, and any other emissions attributes.

Proposals are due at EKPC Headquarters no later than 4 PM EDT on June 30, 2008. Proposals are to be submitted by mail, e-mail, fax, or hand delivery. Faxed or e-mailed proposals must be followed up by mail with a signed original which must be received no later than 4PM EDT on July 3, 2008. All correspondence should be directed to EKPC's Official RFP Contact:

Fernie Williams, Resource Planning
RE: Renewable Energy Resources 2008 RFP
East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc.
4775 Lexington Road
Winchester, Kentucky 40391

Phone:(859) 745-9429
Fax: (859) 737-6123

RFP Issue Date: April 15, 2008
Notice of Intent to Submit Proposal Due Date: May 1, 2008
Proposals Due: June 30, 2008
Evaluation Completed: August 29, 2008
Select Short Listed Proposals: September 5, 2008
Execute Project Agreements: November 7, 2008




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